Chanchal, A. (n.d.). Chemistry that never fails . Google photos. As a parent, it can be tempting to think that the only thing your child is learning is what you are actively teaching them. This is simply not true. Children absorb everything around them from a very young age. Possibly one of the greatest impacts on a child is the relationship between their father and their mother. In "The Parenting Pyramid" by The Arbinger Company (found at v5.PDF ( ), it shows that besides your own way of being, the most important point of being an effective parent is how you and your spouse treat each other. It states, " It is tempting to think that the one relationship can be separated from the other, but in practice this separation is nearly impossible to achieve. If parents have difficulties with each other, one way or another children will get sucked into them. Some parents may punish their children harshly, taking out their marital frustration...
Pace, R. (2021, March 23). 75 best marriage advice & tips by marriage therapists . Marriage Advice - Expert Marriage Tips & Advice. Dr. Haim G. Ginott said "The beginning of wisdom is listening. Listening that is empathic enables parents to hear the feelings that the words try to convey, to hear what children are feeling and experiencing, to hear their point of view and thus understand the essence of their communication. (Ginott et al., 2004)" Have you ever felt like someone just doesn't understand you? That is how your child feels when you try to discipline them without listening to them. Chances are, if children don't feel heard and understood, they are going to become bitter and act out. Over the last several weeks, I have learned the importance of building a relationship with your children in order to influence them for good. Imagine you are working for a company, but your boss liv...